Sunday, July 3, 2011

The four hour work week - count me in

Previously I have run restaruants, a hosting business, and a residential and commercial cleaning business. The first thing I realized in running a business is that everything needs to be automated. I have read studys that CEO's spend 50 % of their time planning, yet most business owners spend 12 hours a day trying to keep up with their business operations. The obvious solution is automating processes so that they don't take up the business owners time.

The marketplace is always evolving and a business owner needs to be focused on the market place and change the direction of a business as it is needed. That is one of the reasons a business owner must have plenty of available time not dedicated to tasks that could be automated or completed by other people.

As a follower of Eben Pagan, I was listening to a conference where he invited Timothy Ferris (his blog is here) to discuss the 4 Hour Body.  Tim is quite the revolutionary when it comes to weight loss, at least he demonstrates perfectly logical reasons that the traditional diets dont work.

Anyhow them I noticed he also wrote a book call the 4 hour work week.... which I am now going to read.

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