Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wedding Day 'Hiccups'

Wedding Day 'Hiccups'

That One Little Thing

photo by Depiction Photography
Did you know that there will be that one little thing that will go wrong at your wedding?
"What!?", you say with shock and horror. How could anything go wrong with my perfectly planned, fairytale wedding? Easily ... since you are the bride and everyone expects you to stand around looking beautiful, making the whole wedding thing look like a walk in the park. Meanwhile, you feel like the success of your of wedding depends on whether or not the reception hall folded the napkins the right way, or if the photographer takes that picture of you with your grandmother’s poodle, or...
 Oh, the list goes on and on and on. Let’s face it, we’re all neurotic. Yes, it’s our quest for perfection that can change us from the beautiful, fun, energetic sex goddess that he proposed to into the frizzy haired, wild eyed lunatic he will soon call his wife. So let's see if we can’t change the way you will look at “the one little thing” that will go wrong on your wedding day.
What could possibly go wrong, you ask...
"When I arrived at the church with my father, my cousin came up to inform me that the harpist that I had hired to play during the ceremony did not arrive. There was no one there to play music to accompany my walk down the aisle. After a great deal of panicking with no solution in sight, my father reminded me that my guests where there to see me get married not to hear some harpist play. I walked down the aisle on the arm of my father in total silence. It was actually rather beautiful. At the end of the service, many people commented on how dramatic it was of me to scorn the traditional church service by eliminating the music portion. Everyone thought that I did it on purpose. All’s well that ends well."
"When my husband and I got married, we had our two nieces standing in as our flower girls. They were both precious in their miniature bridal gowns. Everyone in the crowd was enchanted by these little dolls. Throughout the ceremony they were perfectly behaved. On the advice of our minister, we allowed the girls to roam the front of the church and talk amongst themselves and our other guests. They made a delightful addition to our wedding - until the minister got to the part of the ceremony where he asks if anyone knows just cause why these two people should not be married... Our youngest little angel yells out the top of her lungs, 'Daddy, I have to go poopy!' Needless to say the solemnity of the moment was broken, and my brother-in-law had to leave his place in line with the ushers to take our little sweetie to the washroom. It was several minutes before the audience could stop laughing and pay attention. Oh, well, at least the wedding video is a never ending source of entertainment."
Keeping focus
Your wedding day is supposed to be about the joining of two people who love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together. So now that you are focused on what really matters, take the events of your wedding day in stride - good and bad. Enjoy the good moments and if something doesn't go exactly according to plan (very likely), do your best to handle the situation calmly. Laughter is always the best way of dealing with things! The kinks in your day will turn into the most memorable parts of the wedding.

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