Sunday, May 20, 2012

Building Momentum with Blogging Part 2

Part 1Part 2Part 3

So lets talk about building momentum with an email list.

We were using Jay as a fictitious blogger in Building Momentum with Blogging Part 1, so lets say Jay decides to ad an email subscription form to his blog.  This means that people that like his content and want more of it can submit their email address and blog updates directly into their email inbox.

This will drive traffic to the website exponentially.  If Jay gets 1 new subscriber per day than after 1 year he has 365 subscribers.  He can then send out an email about a new update to his blog and potentially get 365 visits to his blog, plus traffic that is coming from search engines.  After 10 years Jay could have 3650 blog subscribers.  So then he could do the same thing and have 3650 visitors to his blog, in one day.  We could do this once a week and this would provide him with an extra 189,800 visitors per year, and that would be 569,400 page views (if there was 3 page views per visitor).  As we learned in Part 1, just from search results the blog could get 569,400 page views per year. Now with the email subscription we are adding another 500,000+ page views per year.  So this doubles the anticipated ad revenue and could double the anticipated affiliate revenue.

Obviously this makes a good case for adding an email subscription service to your blog.  Take a look in wordpress plug ins for how to add one to your blog.

Part 1Part 2Part 3

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