Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Changed the wordpress theme for my blog

I was using the WPLook blogolife wordpress theme because I thought it was nice and clean. There was lots of white space in the layout but I thought visitors would like a website that didn’t have a bunch of graphics jammed into one page.

After taking a look at some other sites I am starting to believe that a bunch of graphics and banners on a page isn’t such a bad thing.  It might be that keeping a random visitor from a search engine involves some visual appeal.  Having banners on a page almost seems to make it feel more normal as most websites have them.

Some of the marketing guru’s that I follow have really simple layouts for their blogs.  That was influencing my decision on what theme to use.  Once I started using adsense on my websites I started to have a different perspective.

After a little research and watching some adsense case study videos I started to look for a wordpress theme that was more ad friend and more visually appealing.

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